1. Januar 2012



Thinking of the New Year, only one feeling overcomes me: THANKFULNESS! And when we let THANKFULNESS overcome us, then we are bathing in LOVE!

And what can we offer GOD, what is greater than to open the doors and gates to our heart!

And when we immerse ourselves in this vital communication, then we are LOVE!

LOVE enriches us!

And GOD gives HIMSELF to us through LOVE!

Yesterday we were granted this wonderful light meditation, we started on this voyage towards light. And this voyage towards light has only one goal: It is LOVE, that lets us  blossom and allows us to share this all embracing LOVE with all BEINGS OF LOVE.

Yesterday, during YAGNA, in the fire ceremony, we surrendered everything old to the flames. Be conscious of what it means to let go of the old, to free yourself from all the old patterns.

It can only happen through the FIRE of LOVE, and we greet the year 2012 by receiving from MATAJI grains of rice, and with every single fertile grain we welcome the New Year 2012 – the LOVE within us being GOD himself!

And what is greater than to confess our most secret wishes within the LOVE of GOD!

And what kind of a special GOD it is who only waits to open wide our hearts, to fill them and to fulfil them!

And what do we have to do?

We have to free all our thoughts, all layers of emotion so that this pure LOVE can enter our heart.

The grains of rice that we gave into the FIRE OF LOVE can then start to blossom, and only then become fertile .

What a beautiful symbol!

The old can now be burnt and the new can be born through the burning in the FIRE OF LOVE, in the fire of YAGNA.

 What are we created from?

From dust into the light -  and from all that we understand in our hearts we may understand that GOD is within us, what HE/SHE produces in us, what the only thing HE/SHE prepares for us: LOVE!


LOVE that makes us strong,

LOVE that lets us recognize who we are, where we are going and what we are.

And may we embrace everything in this LOVE,

And recognize that the only reality within us is this DIVINE ESSENCE.

And with those thoughts let us begin again the first day of the New Year.

Thank YOU  for giving us this path, the only true path.


Sai Ram