January 2012

A prerequisite for the DIVINE games on earth - the LEELAS -, that GOD also sends us in the form of dreams, is the ability to embrace these with trust.

Hence - if there is no trust, the fertile ground that GOD needs in order to make things right, to direct and to guide is missing.

And may we let ourselves fall into that trusting feeling, fully - without ifs or buts.

Really, to totally immerse in that INNER TRUST in order to be able to accept what GOD wants to bring about in each of us.

When trust is missing, GOD cannot do anything.
This we have to regard as extremely important, as basic foundation, that trusting GOD, trusting MATAJI, the trust that GOD manifests through MATAJI with these games of severity - or whatever it is - can only work if we trust the GURU.

This is a prerequisite.
Otherwise GOD is not able to touch the heart, because then a barrier stands in the way.

So let us immerse deeper into that trust, because it is the prerequisite for GOD being able to reach out to us.

Then HIS DIVINE game - HIS LEELA - can be carried out.

Sai Ram Sai Ram