Letter of the Year 2011

Greetings to you, dear friends of the MEENA MA SHANTI ASSOCIATION!

In 2011, SHRI MATAJI MEENA MA has again bestowed upon us magic moments: DIVINE presence in DARSHAN, in the INTERVIEWS, over the telephone counselling and in many personal healing encounters! In a fax message sent to MATAJI on December 26th 2011 we can read: “It is a miracle! After I asked for YOUR help for the child that didn’t want to grow in the womb any more, it did grow again through DIVINE help and could stay in the womb! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!” U.M., 26.12.2011.

One of many occurrences, with a beautiful symbolic meaning, because easing, assisting and promoting our growth - whether at the physical, mental and spiritual level is and will always be MATAJI`s concern! Nothing makes MATAJI happier than granting blessing, joy and bliss – HEALING for the soul, mind and body!

In the year 2011 MATAJI MEENA MA was blessed to receive especially numerous HOLY PICTURES as DIVINE messengers of change and the world`s BECOMING NEW, likewise these holy pictures also signify the DIVINE APPROVAL for the projects and innovations at MATAJI`s HEALING-CENTERS at the ST. MAGNUSHOF “MARIA ZU LIEBEN” in the East-Allgeau and the “TEMPEL DER LIEBE” near Frankfurt.
You are welcome to download our elaborate Letter of the Year 2011 to read about the developments concerning these themes:

  • The HOLY PICTURES announce the “BECOMING NEW”
  • Promises of LOVE and REBIRTH
  • SAI BABA constantly manifests HIS OVERALL-PRESENCE
  • Renewal for the HEALING CENTRES
  • Extension of the HEALING CENTRES

We are happy if you please give us your e-mail address so that we can inform you about our actual offers, our e-mail-address: info@mataji-meena-ma.org

You are also welcome to make use of Facebook and the e-mail adress shri@mataji-meena-ma.org in order to contact SHRI MATAJI MEENA MA!

In the name of SHRI MATAJI MEENA MA we wish you only LIGHT and LOVE for the year 2012!

MATAJI says: “GOD nourishes HIMSELF from LOVE and in LOVE and only LOVE can heal your soul!”

The residents of ST. MAGNUSHOF “MARIA ZU LIEBEN” and the helpers of the “TEMPEL OF LOVE”