The Year 2012 - part 1

May 1, 2012

Two years ago, SWAMI VISHWANANDA wrote an SMS message to MATAJI: “MAA, wait, changes will come soon!”

And truly, those changes are taking place – and to be there is the greatest that we can experience in this 2000 year rhythm!
And when did KRISHNA live, many thousands of years ago? Something like 5000! And those that did not make it back then may now be present again! The ones who are present have this new chance!

But it was said in no uncertain terms: who does not make it now in the year 2012, has to wait another 2000 years until the souls are given such a chance again!

A visitor`s question: what happens to those who are unaware of all this and don’t happen to know a guru?

The souls will feel this yearning!

When the time has come, the souls will automatically search for such safe harbours! I do not make it dependant upon an AVATAR or GURU. The GURU may also be a priest. Simply somebody who has developed further!

Yes, and maybe it is already within each and everyone. Maybe they succeed on their own! Now, it is said that these helping messengers of GOD will fulfil this task – GOD talks about several hundred thousands who will take over this mission!

Whether they come in the form of guardian angels or archangels – or in the function of an AVATAR or wherever they are residing, I understand that here there are also different stages and hierarchies! But there will be this wide spectrum so that the whole world will be embraced in LIGHT and LOVE!

GOD says: “If people are called to certain places, or feel attracted to them – and they have found there a spiritual leader or a dear friend who has the blessing from GOD – they should not think of leaving those places!  

2012 is the year when everything breaks down! It is starting now to fall apart – so that no stone will remain unturned!

At the same time it is said that this spiritual drain, the mental drain on this path of new fulfilment, new transformation, when soul, body and mind are led to ONENESS, is the most important thing! But first this UPLIFTING is necessary!

And this UPLIFTING is now so strong, that people who had their thoughts ensnared in this world won’t master it anymore! Because of the DIVINE transformation work the UPLIFTING is now so strong that old structures, patterns and thoughts must be abandoned.

And when I, myself, address every single one of you, again and again, and do away with blockades, then it hurts – a process that is often really painful!

It is similar with the breaking of a coconut, it has to be opened with force in order to get to the precious milk and the pulp.

When performing this work, I am always very direct, there are no ways around it, I confront directly!  MATAJI is not only in heaven, SHE is also earthbound! MATAJI is simple, SHE lives out of simplicity, but righteous – and RIGHTEOUS – and very TRUTHFUL!

So if you let it happen to you and within you, then you are there where GOD wants you to be and we will experience this very special year 2012 together!

GOD doesn’t say that HE/SHE lets parts of the earth go down: No, “No stone will remain unturned” means that GOD takes the old patterns – and brings them to the removal of the core.


It is the year when there will be many suicides, many pathological addictions, because single souls are so ensnarled in worldly thoughts that they do not see a way out….

The UPLIFTING will have such effects, so be prepared so that each one can implement the HEALING PROCESS.

Keep your goal in mind! Isn’t it wonderful, now to be invited! To be asked to come on board and be taken away! We just need to put up the sail and to open ourselves with TRUST! With cleaned thoughts, without chains and attachments – then everything comes easy.

GOD is the DESTINATION – although the sea is now still rough.

GOD is so present – 2012 is a unique year! The big chance for each one! Take it and seize it – everything will be wonderfully united!

Believe firmly in GOD ‘s LIGHT and LOVE!