GOD`S VICTORY over the diabolic forces

Message after DARSHAN on Sunday June 10, 2012

To my loved ones,

You may get to know now: for the past few weeks, MATAJI has been sitting at the right side of GOD. The cosmos  - everybody – knows about it, knows that MATAJI is sitting at the right side of GOD because of the many, many lives, because of HER numerous stays in monasteries, for so much LOVING SERVICE, and for HER most important accomplishment: HER SACRIFICE.

SATHYA SAI BABA, my beloved MASTER, is sitting in the middle and MATAJI to HIS right. SWAMI says that my colours are the colours of the rainbow, that the most wonderful powers are inherent in me, that I only need to touch people and I can heal their souls, provided that I want it and that the Karma configuration allows it.

Forgive me, but it is now time that MATAJI explains why at this point help, your help is needed.

Please ask around.

If you people knew, for those who are ready to take this opportunity: that this MOTHER here at home, in the courtyard, in the garden, or wherever, will grant them a loving and helping hand – then they should contact me. I will receive them with an open heart, just as I did with all other souls. However, it is so that when the light increases in intensity, the other side tries to destroy it.

And do you know how often, in my kundalini process of 25 years, where I almost burned inwardly, as GOD was preparing me for this great mission, that in spite of all I gave everything that was in me, serving to the point of losing consciousness and never sparing myself, and that I took upon me the Karma of those people again and again in order to protect them. GOD says, MATAJI, YOU always stood as a protective wall in between.

But now this will become less, because GOD ’s ALMIGHTNESS and  consciousness have grown so strongly in me  that I was granted the AVATAR hierarchy.

I would like to show you a little, so that you see how I feel inside, under what conditions, under what limitations, retrenchments I met on my way, because there were peolpe who believed that they had to and wanted to change and rule over GOD.
And this does not work anymore!

GOD is ALL-LOVE, GOD is ALL-PRESENCE, GOD is the only source of healing within us. And this great merciful present that GOD granted us also through MATAJI who came on this earth only for that mission!
May this get support, may people help so that the project can go forward! And GOD goes so far  that HE says: “And even if I closed the door here and now  I would only do that until the new ones come, until the souls come who show esteem and appreciation towards MY MATAJI, THE LIGHT at MY side!”
HE says, MATAJI, YOUR location will not go under!!!

In the meantime GOD decides who is allowed to be here and who is not! And this selection already started last year, but now it is really so that GOD says if they do not convert wholeheartedly, if they do not feel what great gift GOD gives them daily in MATAJI, then they must go….

 GOD will wait, MATAJI will wait, until the souls come, the souls who mean it honestly, in goodness and in love and without deception! Without diabolical intent, not that I must bear this poison again and again in order to be able to bring these souls further.

SWAMI said in this regard: Dear MATAJI, even if in this life somebody would give YOU poison, YOU could swallow it, and YOU would never perish from it.

And remember, in my autobiography there is a section where I described how a snake bit me and I became panicky because I thought,  “oh, a snake bite”, this is the end! And already back then, twenty years ago or earlier, MATAJI was brought to the hospital, doctors were standing around HER, you can read it in my autobiography. And what do they say: SHE knows the MOTHER!

And that I may be the MOTHER today is only because I prepared and worked for it with a loving heart, working everyday, day and night for each soul. I do not rest. Even at night I take care of the souls that are brought to me.  And when I may, if the Karma conditions are favourable, then I can bring deliverance. And now it is so that GOD says: "MATAJI, a thought is enough, or YOU write it in the cosmos and it will be brought about, the healing will start!"
Do recognize what a grace, what a wonderful revelation GOD gives us!

Even more so do I need your help, Ask around please for MATAJI, for HER locations, so that people come, to help and to serve. It does not always have to be on a free of charge basis, but so that I know that the people come to me with an open heart: to endow GOD!

And I want to go a bit further, so that you understand more.

When I speak of my beloved SWAMI SATHYA SAI BABA, HE, who lives totally within me, at whose side I may sit just like in parliament, to GOD ’s right side, HE explains: it is the family strength, the strength of GOD ‘s ONE family, let’s call it the “roof”. But under this roof there are many homes and HE, HE is the Maha-AVATAR, but then he is also surrounded by Avatars.

Then come the archangels, the guardian angels, cherubs and seraphs, all wonderful helpers, who have their high significance within the cosmic plan and from there it will be delegated and decided.

And when SWAMISAI BABA says, HE sent JESUS CHRIST as HIS child to the earth 2000 years ago, then do not hold on to misconceptions from 2000 years ago.

It was GOD, is GOD who sent HIS beloved son, JESUS CHRIST, down to earth.

And it is nobody else today and now as SATHAYA SAI BABA.

And HE said and says: "MARY is MY wife", although HE was never married.

But the LOVE, the male as well as the female are married to each other symbiotically, it should be envisioned that way, and whether the names are Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvati, Sita – those are only names and forms!

Our Christian Madonna can radiate in many forms – let us not limit HER!

 Let us not see everything in a limited way and put a stamp on things. GOD is only vastness and GOD knows no limitation concerning the religions, this is what people do with their intellect, with their ego, but GOD is boundless LOVE! HE is everything, HE is our creator. GOD is boundless LOVE. HE is our heartbeat, our breath, the hands that may give and take. HE is everything. HE is within us! We are GOD, we are DIVINE!

Yes, and with these words I want you to go down deep into your heart and reflect upon what MATAJI, this soul took upon HERSELF, as SHE knew that SHE was coming down to earth into a physical body. And SHE faces up to this loving mission, this sacrifice and attends to the souls‘ healing.
I cannot make you any promise, but my strength –
SWAMI SAI BABA says: “I have the colours white-purple, but YOU have the strength of the rainbow, YOUR rainbow-colours! If YOU use them fully, YOU can make these people go blind."
My strength has now developed so far and I want to give it to you and wish that you go from here with this joy and that you ask around for helpers for MOTHER.

Simply hear and feel who could here contribute and help, until always more people come – then the day will come, I tell you, and this is the prophecy of the highest GOD, that there will be here no place anymore.”

This why everything here is changing and transforming.

 My loved ones, I will never let you down.