July 10, 2013
You are far away from being true to yourself!
It is my wish is that you turn around! The way that you are following is the wrong one! You have let yourself be discoloured by a wrong world.
I would like and I do wish that you come back to being true to yourself, to your TEMPLE!
Come out of your snail shell, it is so slow and very boring! I see it in your rigidity and inflexibility!
GROWTH is guaranteed if a person is open to GOD!
Be flexible! Do not hide yourself behind this mask about which I spoke!
The work that one performs should have QUALITY – and QUANTITY!
One is able to do that only when one is open – in one’s head! Stubbornness closes doors!
The inside reflects itself on the outside – mobility and flexibility!
You spend too much energy for bad things, for rubbish – and you have to carry this rubbish – it limits you, makes you inflexible, rigid, unresponsive!
You should not see ANY PROFIT in servicing GOD – it is a matter of the HEART!
One cannot go through concrete – you cannot breathe through it!
The mask must fall!
Try to reverse the switch – from the wrong production to the good production!
The best handicraft: gardening! To plant and to take care of a garden requires DIVINE creativity – live on your DIVINE CREATIVITY!
This is the best path between HEAVEN and EARTH!
„How do I see my life? How is paradise? How do I wish paradise to be?“
You can materialize this in a garden – an analogy!
Each stone that you lay is also laid in the spiritual world, in the hereafter, for you – a paradise, just as GOD has promised you!
It has a double meaning.
Nothing can grow in concrete – transparency is needed:
Air, water, food!
The same goes for your spirit and your soul!
If you do not allow transparency you will not be able to do your work.
It will stagnate: wrong production!
It goes in the wrong direction, in small things – in big things: the small things in the garden, the big things in life – and finally in the hereafter, in the COSMOS!
Work vigilantly! Do not look only at one plant but at the whole garden!
I built the COSMOS THAT WAY!
Being transparent, permeable, breathable!
Do your work right, so that the ground stones are strong and good!
A house can be as beautiful as can be but when the foundation is not right, then the house itself will be instable!
Start with the foundation, lay the right ground stones – with GOD’ s help, with your LOVE and your HEART!
A lot happens in life, and it can also happen when you have a lot to do!
Then you will not have much time to think. The time will come when you will have more time to think, so do not gather any guilty feelings or any fear!
Stay true to yourself and stay DIVINE! (pause)
I need you but not in the state in which you are!
I want you to be transparent 24 hours a day and not only for one hour and then no more!
Let it happen! Let GOD help you! HIS help is necessary, do not reject GOD!
I am aware that a lot of daily events do shock you -
But I have to handle you that way in order to break down this facade out of concrete so that I get the solid rock out of you!
This is a time of development: each soul has to be decontaminated! Decontamination of the world – the discolouration must go!
Living, earning money, leisure time – repeatedly, daily, the same thing over and again until the end of life! This we have done, and accordingly we live poorly!
I have to bring you every day to the limits so that you have to jump over your own shadow!
This is an expression of MY LOVE for you! I am a severe teacher, but a loving teacher, who will take care of you endlessly, so you are in good hands!
I believe strongly in a good foundation – for ME the foundation has to be right, otherwise I lose the thread!
Ground stones always have to be good, also in the morning when you get up, make an inventory!
After I have made a good foundation in you and the ground stones are the way they should be – then I can let you go.
The NEW WORLD is BLISS that JESUS CHRISTUS is bringing!
How can you experience BLISS when the ground stone is not good! So we have to do a preliminary work so that the ground elements are strong!
I build together with you a NEW WORLD, a NEW EARTH!
I turn everything inside out, because I do not like the way you have built! And what you made of yourself is also not to my liking!
I do love you a lot, otherwise I would not invest MY TIME and MY LOVE, but I also have to educate you in matters of STABILITY, TRUTH, GENTLENESS.
There are enough wrong productions on EARTH, I do not need to count them for you, I do not talk about rubbish – I will dispose of it very quickly! But the soul in which I have invested and will invest a lot is interesting, because it is worth it!
I put you back in your place – I like to do so and only in this way can I work with you!
One has to do something for STABILITY!
A plant does not only need food and water, but it has to go through a PHASE of DEVELOPMENT, take root in the EARTH, grow strong and stand by itself.
The stronger the wind, the stronger the roots get, longer and stronger.
ST. MAGNUS is the best way for education!
There is everything: animals, garden, kitchen, home care. A few kilometres away there is the world!
The pure STABILITY is missing!
You are instable because you did not take root, every breeze could blow you away if I had not been there. This has to change!
Independence - a soul is independent only the moment that it is stable, and knows that it has a GOD-given task to fulfill – exactly the way GOD wants it!
Be accurate in your work!
Otherwise you cannot work with ME together!
I love accuracy, I am MYSELF very accurate, I can’t help it, I love the souls that open themselves and take over MY legacy, it is an inheritance from GOD to HIS children!
Only when you are accurate am I able to change you dimensionally!
You will be accurate when you work systematically – and do not let yourself be manipulated!
The world has manipulated you for a long time, has bent you and exploited you for nothing!
This is why we start from scratch and lay ground stones on the inside and the outside.
This is MY form of education!
You are tender sprouts – too much wind or too much water and you are gone!
STABILITY is not there when the ground stone, the foundation is not good!
I love the souls that have a good foundation!
I do not want you to stand in line, at a lower dimension – practically on hold until a better soul comes and gives you information about ME, until you are enlightened!
I want to take you out of this dimension!
I want to guide you slowly to a dimensional level where you can take over a task in the COSMOS!
Who ran away at that point is far away from GOD! Then I do not interfere, they have to feel it through their actions and be told that way!
But I love to invest in the souls that participate and persevere!!
It is just like a plant that was planted and has been taken care of!
GOD takes care of every soul with LOVE and watches it grow and bloom!
I pick and choose the souls, do not ask ME why – this is MY way! For ME you are all equal, because in a garden there are different plants and flowers!
I cannot help the one who lets himself go under -
who runs away from ST. MAGNUS, from GOD and does not let himself be educated.
GOD does not look at the clock! (a participant had just looked at the clock).
GOD is present 24 hours a day, HE is aware of every breath of yours, of your sleep pattern – you have to be protected 24 hours a day!
How much do you think your soul costs the UNIVERSE?
Let go of the madness of the world and enter the room of INFINITY!
I have allowed a lot, but now it is over!
Now I hold everything in both hands!
I make the decisions because you are unable to decide for yourself,
No power of differentiation, no success!
All mass production and doom!