Picture 1:
News broadcast ZDF: "Salvation Greece" on July 12, 2015
The world map is running behind the speaker as a screen ...
Let us remember the HOLY series with the SYMBOL of GOD - the HARE - RESURRECTION - from 24 May 2015 in Facebook and in my website ...
SALVATION of Greece - yes - however it is the SALVATION of the entire WORLD!
We are expecting the most colossal COSMIC PLAN!
A world map on television - and GOD reveals HIMSELF in manifold ways:
HIS PROMISE in the form of the HOLY NAMES: S A I - I S A - M A ...
Looking together into the HOLY names of SHRI SWAMI SATHYA SAI BABA and SHRI SWAMI JESUS CHRIST … also called I S A - above the head of the speaker -
interwoven as the HOLY NAMES S A I - ISA - M A
Below - further to the right an over-dimensional CHICK - NEW BIRTH!
The CHICK wearing the HOLY NAME I S A - just above its body
And far down below to the right M A or M A I / M A MOTHER -
Picture 2:
Turned 90 ° from left to right
Most wonderful - a female GODDESS - with beautiful long hair - from the upper part to the bottom in HER body the M A
Further down in HER gown we may see an imposing dark EAGLE - the mediator between HEAVEN and EARTH
The previously seen CHICK now GOD reveals to us as a powerful, majestic HARE facing the profile of the female GODDESS.
The female GODDESS is part of the COSMIC PLAN and is holding the RESURRECTION / HARE firmly in HER hands.
Where we previously were allowed to read the M A I, we again recognize an EAGLE.
And the SACRED letters of the GODS SAI - ISA - M A fall into the head of the speaker ...
Picture 3:
Furthermore turned 90 ° from left to right
GOD again documents in HIS all-embracing LOVE - the SYMBOL of the HARE -
the expected RESURRECTION of the whole WORLD
On the right outer edge the head of a GOD - represented as a sculpture -
HE / SHE looks into PEACE of the entire WORLD.
Shri Mataji Meena Ma