Mirror of SHRI MATAJI MEENA MA - Picture 1

Mirror of SHRI MATAJI MEENA MA - it talks
Picture 1

Never ever is it possible to compare the DIVINE mirror-laws with the worldly mirror-laws! During MATAJI`S stay with HER MASTER SWAMI SATHYA SAI BABA in India SWAMI answers HER with HIS mirror-laws: LOVE!

MATAJI`S small mirror, 12 x 8cm, is lying directly next to HER bedside.  MATAJI knows very well that in the middle of the night GOD grants HER the most wonderfull revelations and MATAJI may photograph these.

Now let us look deeply and meditatively into the mirror:
In the upper left part SWAMI SAI BABA appears.
HE looks down at HIS former incarnation: the young BALA KRISHNA!
BALA KRISHNA - known for HIS blue skin colour - is wearing a crown on HIS head.

The HOLY names MA, SAI, ISA may be seen ranging from SAI BABA`s crown of hair to BALA KRISHNA`S crown.
What is it that connects us with GOD? Nothing but our heart! GOD is asking for our heart day and night!

May we realize, may we not get entangled in our limited mental ideas as to how GOD  or anything else has to be! GOD is EVERYTHING!  We are GOD.
May we incessantly open up to the true DIVINE LOVE and may we realize the true mirror laws: LOVE!